Aquatic Center

General Information

Phone: 319-385-1477

Hours of Operation

Lap Swim:        12:00-1:00 PM (Daily)

Open Swim:     1:00-7:00 PM (Daily)

Address:           600 W Clay Street

Admission Prices

Anyone 9 and under must be supervised by an adult (16 years or older). Anyone entering the facility must pay admission or have a pass regardless of intent to swim.

Daily Pool Tickets are sold at the front desk at the Aquatic Center. Daily Ticket Books, Individual, and Family Passes are sold at the Mount Pleasant Parks and Recreation Office Monday-Friday 8:00-4:30 PM.  A family member is considered to be anyone claimed as a dependent on your tax forms. Please visit us at 307 E. Monroe, Mount Pleasant, IA 52641. (2nd floor of the Public Library)

Daily:                                                   Passes:

Ages 0-3          Free               Individual        $75.00

Ages 4-15        $3.50             Family             $150.00 (2-5 members, $10.00 for each additional member)

Ages 16 & up   $4.00

Ticket Books (1 ticket per patron)

10 Tickets        $30.00

25 Tickets        $60.00

Features of the Pool

  • Zero depth entry
  • Six lane 25 yard pool
  • 330,000 gallon of water
  • 17,000 sq. ft. of deck
  • Family changing area
  • Handicapped accessibility
  • 2 diving boards (1m & 3m)
  • 64,000 sq. ft. of grassy area
  • Fountain and jets in water
  • Lockers inside and outside bathhouse
  • Safe and adequate parking
  • Heated water
  • Shaded structures
  • Concession area
  • 2 water slides


Lockers are available on a first come, first serve basis near the deck of the pool. A refundable quarter allows access to the locker throughout the day.


Saturday and Sunday mornings, the pool may be rented to the public from 8:00-12:00 PM. A one month notice needs to be made prior to rental. The rental fee is $450 with slides, plus a $100.00 deposit. Lifeguards will be provided by the Parks and Recreation Department. Contact Gary Grunow at 319-385-1476 to make a reservation or for more information.


A separate concession stand is located on the northwest side of the building serving both inside patrons and the outside public. Items such as popcorn, sandwiches, nachos, hot dogs, candy, and Pepsi products may be purchased. Please keep food inside the concession area while at the pool.


  1. Dangerous behavior such as rough play, running, throwing, or riding on shoulders is not permitted.
  2. The following items are prohibited from the pool and pool area: street shoes, water guns, balls, tubes, or other floatation devices, gum, Band-Aids, cigarettes, play pens, scuba tanks and weight belts, as well as any other item deemed potentially dangerous by the manager.
  3. Regulation swimming suits are required for all patrons in the pool. T-shirts are not allowed.
  4. Children must be able to swim 25 yards of front crawl in good form before swimming without the supervisor of an adult.
  5. No one age 9 and under will be admitted without an adult, (someone 16 or older). An adult may supervise up to 4 non-swimmers at a time.
  6. Diving is not permitted in less than 10 ft. of water.
  7. We reserve the right to prohibit any person whose presence is detrimental to themselves or others.
  8. The Parks and Recreation Department is not responsible for lost or stolen articles.
  9. Food and drinks cannot be brought into the facility.

Diving Rules

  1. Must be able to swim 25 yards to use diving well.
  2. One person on the board at a time; no multiple bouncing, must dive straight off board.
  3. Must wait until the diving well is clean before diving.
  4. No back flips, inward and reverse diving, cartwheels, or hanging on the board.
  5. No swimming is allowed in the diving well.

Slide Rules

  1. Patrons must behave in an orderly manner.
  2. No swim suits with zipper, buckles, rivets or floatation devices allowed.
  3. Anyone pregnant, with a heart condition or a back problem is advised against using the slide.
  4. Children may only ride with an adult.
  5. Patrons must exit the pool immediately, no swimming allow in catch pool.
  6. Must be 48 inches or taller to use slides alone.