Yard Waste

Yard Waste Collection Area

The Yard Waste Collection Area will OPEN for the season, April 2nd, 2025! 

The City operates a yard waste collection area for the disposal of grass clippings, leaves, garden waste, apples, walnuts, and other forms of organic wastes. The collection area is located at 700 West Yocum Lane. The site opens around April 1 (will be announced in the paper and on local radio station KILJ) and closes in the late fall. Both of these dates are weather permitting. Normal hours for this facility are Wednesday (12:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M.) and Saturday (8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.) If you have any questions about the service, you may call Public Works Department at 319-385-1480 or City Hall at 319-385-1470.

Yard Waste Curbside Collection

For residents who do not wish to dispose of their own yard waste, the City offers a curbside yard waste collection service. The service operates every Friday morning during the summer months. The service operates by request only. To get on the Friday collection route, you must call City Hall at 319-385-1470 Monday through Thursday from 8:30 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. The service requires a regular garbage sticker to be placed on each bag of grass, leaves or bundles of tree trimmings cut in 4 foot sections. If you do not have any stickers left over the City Clerks office can invoice you for $2 per bag. 

Just a friendly reminder that in doing your lawn work, it is against the City Code “For any individual to discharge any solid or viscous substances in quantities or of such size capable of causing obstruction to the flow of the sewers”. So we ask that you don’t blow grass clippings out into the streets, sidewalks, or alleys.